Post by ||Cassie Slayter|| on Mar 17, 2010 17:58:51 GMT
Feathers fell from the trees above down to where the fae was, a small down feather, most proberby from a fledging chick landed on the wolfs nose. In a snooze she ignored it, but the tickle was starting to get unignorable and a sneeze erupted from the wolf. The wolf groaned and looked around groggily, sighing she lay her apex on her paws, but didn't go back to sleep, now that she was awake. The sounds of screming fledglings and then the parents shouting encouragment back at them was like a constant alarm call that could not be turned off. She growled low but other than that tried to relax. Cassie knew what she was waiting for, but the unsuspecting birds did not. With the fae being calm, and the birds so used to her presents then they too were calm, and soon enough what she was waiting for was about to come for real. A mother eagle took off from the nest in the large branches above, leaving a young to be adult to try and take it's first flaps of the air, but as Cassie knew all to well not all of the bird sucseed in the attempts, and if they do not collect themself almost immediately or the parents do not come and claim them , then their fate is left to the ground dwelling predators. Word Count: 239